
Make The Logo Bigger


Experimental, Print, Digital

After years of resisting, I finally decided to make the logo bigger. I conducted a graphic experiment that turned an otherwise annoying piece of client feedback into a creative restriction.

The experiment began by creating a series of posters that showcased various brands' logos made bigger.
As I created each poster, I thought it fitting to share my progress with the world in the form of a minimal designed Tumblr blog. After just a few weeks from its creation, the blog already had over 16 thousand subscribers.
You Want The Logo Bigger? I Got Your Bigger Logo Right Here: These Extreme Logos Are Big–And Oddly Compelling.”

Fast Company

The interesting thing about this project is that despite only showing a tiny portion of the full logo, most people would still be able to name the brand each image represents.”

Design Taxi

Make the logo bigger coffee table book.